117) Dense dreaming
116) Spectral properties with dilution
E Agliari, A Fachechi, D Luongo
115) Networks of neural networks: the more is different
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, M Centonze, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
116) Spectral properties with dilution
E Agliari, A Fachechi, D Luongo
115) Networks of neural networks: the more is different
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, M Centonze, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
Published Papers
114) Generalized hetero-associative neural networks: the replica symmetric picture
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, M Centonze, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
113) Guerra interpolation for place cells
M Centonze, A Treves, E Agliari, A Barra
112) The thermodynamic limit in mean field neural networks
E Agliari, A Barra, P Bianco, A Fachechi, D Pallara
111) Fundamental operating regimes, hyper-parameter fine-tuning and glassiness: towards an interpretable replica-theory for trained restricted Boltzmann machines
A Fachechi, E Agliari, M Aquaro, ACC Coolen, M Mulder
J Phys. A under review (2024)
110) Inverse modelling of time-delayed interactions via the Dynamic Entropy formalism
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, M Castellana, D Lotito, M Piel
Phys. Rev. E 110, 024301 (2024)
109) Regularization, early-stopping and dreaming: a Hopfield-like setup to address generalization and overfitting
E Agliari, F Alemanno, M Aquaro, A Fachechi
Neur. Netws. 177, 106389 (2024)
108) A spectral approach to Hebbian-like neural networks
E Agliari, A Fachechi, D Luongo
Appl. Mat. Comp., 4747, 128689 (2024)
107) Hebbian dreaming for small datasets
F Alemanno, M Aquaro, A Barra, I Kanter, F Durante, E Agliari
Neur. Netws. 173, 106174 (2024)
106) Parallel Learning by Multitasking Neural Networks
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
J. Stat. Mech. 113401 (2023)
105) Ultrametric identities in glassy models of natural evolution
E Agliari, F Alemanno, M Aquaro A Barra
J. Phys. A 56, 385001 (2023)
104) Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of unsupervised learning
E Agliari, et al.
Physica A 627, 129143 (2023)
103) Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of supervised learning
E Agliari, et al.
Physica A 626, 129076 (2023)
102) From Pavlov Conditioning to Hebb Learning
E Agliari, M Aquaro, A Barra, A Fachechi, C Marullo
Neurocomp. 35(5):930-957 (2023)
101) Supervised Hebbian learning
F Alemanno, M Aquaro, I Kanter, A Barra, E Agliari
Europhys. Lett. - Perspective 141, 11001 (2023)
100) Non-linear PDEs approach to statistical mechanics of dense associative memories
E Agliari, A Fachechi, C Marullo
J. Math. Phys. 63, 103304 (2022)
99) Outperforming RBM feature-extraction capabilities by "dreaming" mechanisms
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
IEEE Trans. Neur. Netw. (2022)
98) The emergence of a concept in shallow neural networks
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, G De Marzo
Neural Networks 148, 232 (2022)
97) Storing, learning and retrieving biased patterns
E Agliari, FE Leonelli, C Marullo
Appl. Math. and Comp. 415, 126716 (2022)
96) A transport equation approach for deep neural networks with quenched random weights
E Agliari, L Albanese, F Alemanno, A Fachechi
J. Phys. A 54, 505004 (2021)
95) Learning and retrieval operational modes for three-layer restricted Boltzmann machines
E Agliari, G Sebastiani
J. Stat. Phys. 185, 10 (2021)
94) On the effective initialisation for restricted Boltzmann machines via duality with Hopfield model
FE Leonelli, E Agliari, L Albanese, A Barra
Neural Networks 143, 314 (2021)
93) Boltzmann machines as generalized Hopfield networks: a review on recent results and outlooks
C Marullo, E Agliari
Entropy 23(1), 34 (2021)
92) The relativistic Hopfield model with correlated patterns
E Agliari, A Fachechi, C Marullo
Journal of Mathematical Physics 61, 123301 (2020)
91) Machine learning and statistical physics: preface
E Agliari, A Barra, P Sollich, L Zdeborová
Journal of Physics A 53, 500401 (2020)
90) Tolerance versus synaptic noise in dense associative memories
E Agliari, G De Marzo
European Physical Journal Plus 135, 883 (2020)
89) Replica symmetry breaking in neural networks: a few steps toward rigorous results
E Agliari, L Albanese, A Barra, G Ottaviani
Journal of Physics A 53, 415005 (2020)
88) Analysis of temporal correlation in heart rate variability through maximum entropy principle in a minimal pairwise glassy model
E Agliari, A Barra, OA Barra, A Fachechi, L Moretti, L Franceschi-Vento
Scientific Reports 10, 15353 (2020)
87) Detecting cardiac pathologies via machine learning on heart-rate variability time series and related markers
E Agliari, A Barra, OA Barra, A Fachechi, L Moretti, L Franceschi-Vento
Scientific Reports 10, 8845 (2020)
86) Generalized Guerra's interpolation schemes for dense associative neural networks
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Neural Networks 128, 254-267 (2020)
85) A statistical inference approach to reconstruct intercellular interactions in cell migration experiments
E Agliari, PJ Saez, A Barra, M Piel, P Vargas, M Castellana
Science Advances 6, eaay2103 (2020)
84) Neural Networks with a Redundant Representation: Detecting the Undetectable
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, M Centonze, A Fachechi
Physical Review Letters 124, 028301 (2020)
83) First encounters on combs
J Peng, E Agliari
Physical Review E 100, 062310 (2019)
82) Dreaming neural networks: rigorous results
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 083503 (2019)
81) On the Marchenko-Pastur law in analog bipartite spin-glasses
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Journal of Physics A 52, 254002 (2019)
(special issue "Disordered serendipity: a glassy path to discovery" in the occasion of Giorgio Parisi's 70th birthday)
80) The relativistic Hopfield model: rigorous results
E Agliari, A Barra, M Notarnicola
Journal of Mathematical Physics 60, 033302 (2019)
79) Free energies of Boltzmann Machines: self-averaging properties, annealed and replica symmetric approximations in the thermodynamic limit
E Agliari, A Barra, B Tirozzi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 033301 (2019)
78) Exact results for the first-passage properties in a class of fractal networks
J Peng, E Agliari
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 023105 (2019)
77) Dreaming neural networks: forgetting spurious memories and reinforcing pure ones
A Fachechi, E Agliari, A Barra
Neural Networks 112, 24 (2019)
76) Non-convex multi-species Hopfield models
E Agliari, D Migliozzi, D Tantari
Journal of Statistical Physics 172, 1247 (2018)
75) Social interaction effects on immigrant integration
E Agliari, A Barra, P Contucci, A Pizzoferrato, C Vernia
Palgrave Communications 4, 55 (2018)
74) Complex Reaction Kinetics in Chemistry: A Unified Picture Suggested by Mechanics in Physics
E Agliari, A Barra, G Landolfi, S Murciano, S Perrone
Complexity 2018, 7423297 (2018)
73) Phase transition for the Maki-Thompson rumor model on a small-world network
E Agliari, A Pochan, P Rodrigues, F Tavani
Journal of Statistical Physics 169, 846 (2017)
72) Modelling ozone uptake by urban and peri-urban forest: a case study in the Metropolitan City of Rome
L Fusaro, S Mereu, E Salvatori, E Agliari, S Fares, F Manes
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2017)
71) Organs on chip approach: a tool to evaluate cancer-immune cells interactions
E Biselli, E Agliari, A Barra, FR Bertani, A Gerardino et al.
Scientific Reports 7, 12737 (2017)
70) Scaling laws for diffusion on (trans)fractal scale-free networks
J Peng, E Agliari
Chaos 27, 083108 (2017)
69) Neural networks retrieving Boolean patterns in a sea of Gaussian ones
E Agliari, A Barra, C Longo, D Tantari
Journal of Statistical Physics 168, 1085 (2017)
68) Retrieving infinite numbers of patterns in a spin-glass model of immune networks
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Europhysics Letters 117, 28003 (2017)
Selected for Editor's Choice
67) The exact Laplacian spectrum for the Dyson hierarchical network
E Agliari, F Tavani
Scientific Reports 7, 39962 (2017)
66) Complete integrability of information processing by biochemical reactions
E Agliari, A Barra, L Dello Schiavo, A Moro
Scientific Reports 6, 36314 (2016)
65) Assessing the role of migration as trade-facilitator using the statistical mechanics of cooperative systems
A Barra, A Galluzzi, D Tantari, E Agliari, F Requena-Silvente
Palgrave Communications 2, 16021 (2016)
64) Two-particle problem in comb-like structure
E Agliari, L Cattivelli, D Cassi, F Sartori
Physical Review E 93, 052111 (2016)
63) First-passage phenomena in hierarchical networks
F Tavani, E Agliari
Physical Review E 93, 022133 (2016)
62) Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and Comparison with Nearby Countries
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, M Javarone, A Pizzoferrato, D Tantari
PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144643 (2015)
61) Lévy flights with power-law absorption
L Cattivelli, E Agliari, F Sartori, D Cassi
Physical Review E 92, 042156 (2015)
60) Exact calculations of first-passage properties on the pseudofractal scale-free web
J Peng, E Agliari, Z Zhang
Chaos 25, 073118 (2015)
59) Topological properties of hierarchical networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Physical Review E 91, 062807 (2015)
58) Optimization strategies with resource scarcity: From immunization of networks to the traveling salesman problem
M Bellingeri, E Agliari, D Cassi
Modern Physics Letters B 29, 1550180 (2015)
57) Hitting and Trapping Times on Branched Structures
E Agliari, F Sartori, L Cattivelli, D Cassi
Physical Review E 91, 052132 (2015)
56) Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: the role of allosteric cooperativity
E Agliari, M Altavilla, A Barra, L Dello Schiavo, E Katz
Scientific Reports 5:9415 (2015)
55) Hierarchical neural networks perform both serial and parallel processing
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Neural Networks 66, 22–35 (2015)
54) Retrieval capabilities of hierarchical networks: From Dyson to Hopfield
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Physical Review Letters 114, 028103 (2015)
53) Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (1), 015001 (2015)
Selected for cover image for the printed issue of J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (volume 48 issue 1)
Selected by IOPSELECT
52) Anergy in self-directed B lymphocytes: a statistical mechanics perspective
E Agliari, A Barra, G Del Ferraro, F Guerra, D Tantari
Journal of Theoretical Biology 375, 21 (2015)
51) Cancer-driven dynamics of immune cells in a microfluidic environment
E Agliari, E Biselli, A De Ninno, G Schiavoni, L Gabriele, A Gerardino, F Mattei, A Barra, L Businaro
Scientific Reports 4, 6639 (2014)
50) A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case
E Agliari, A Barra, P Contucci, R Sandell, C Vernia
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 103034 (2014)
49) Slow encounters of particle pairs in branched structures
E Agliari, A Blumen, D Cassi
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052147 (2014)
48) Instability and network effects in innovative markets
P Sgrignoli, E Agliari, R Burioni, A Schianchi
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 108, 260-271 (2014)
47) Multitasking attractor networks with neuronal threshold noise
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, M Isopi
Neural Networks 49, 19-29 (2014)
46) Immune networks: multitasking capabilities near saturation
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (41), 415003 (2013)
Selected by IOPSELECT
45) Collective behaviours: from biochemical kinetics to electronic circuits
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, A Di Biasio, G Uguzzoni
Scientific Reports 3, 3458 (2013)
44) Immune networks: multi-tasking capabilities at medium load
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (33), 335101 (2013)
43) Parallel processing in immune networks
E Agliari, A Barra, S Bartolucci, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, F Moauro
Physical Review E 87 (4), 042701 (2013)
selected for Kaleidoscope April 2013
42) Parallel retrieval of correlated patterns: From Hopfield networks to Boltzmann machines
E Agliari, A Barra, A De Antoni, A Galluzzi
Neural Networks 38, 52-63 (2013)
41) Application of a stochastic modeling to assess the evolution of tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection in patients treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, R Scrivo, G Valesini, RS Wallis
PloS ONE 8 (1), e55017 (2013)
40) Multitasking associative networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, F Moauro
Physical Review Letters 109 (26), 268101 (2012)
39) Analogue neural networks on correlated random graphs
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, R Burioni, G Uguzzoni
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (36), 365001 (2012)
38) Can persistent Epstein–Barr virus infection induce chronic fatigue syndrome as a Pavlov reflex of the immune response?
E Agliari, A Barra, KG Vidal, F Guerra
Journal of Biological Dynamics 6 (2), 740-762 (2012)
37) The true reinforced random walk with bias
E Agliari, R Burioni, G Uguzzoni
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 063027 (2012)
36) Notes on the p-spin glass studied via Hamilton-Jacobi and smooth-cavity techniques
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, A Di Biasio
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (6), 063304 (2012)
35) Organization and evolution of synthetic idiotypic networks
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, L Ferrucci
Physical Review E 85 (5), 051909 (2012)
34) Exact calculations of first-passage quantities on recursive networks
B Meyer, E Agliari, O Bénichou, R Voituriez
Physical Review E 85 (2), 026113 (2012)
33) Mean-field cooperativity in chemical kinetics
A Di Biasio, E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 131 (3), 1-14 (2012)
32) A statistical mechanics approach to Granovetter theory
A Barra, E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391 (10), 3017-3026 (2012)
31) Slow relaxation in microcanonical warming of a Ising lattice
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 84, 317 (2011)
30) A thermodynamic perspective of immune capabilities
E Agliari, A Barra, F Guerra, F Moauro
Journal of theoretical biology 287, 48-63 (2011)
29) Percolation on correlated random networks,
E Agliari, C Cioli, E Guadagnini
Physical Review E 84, 031120 (2011)
28) A Hebbian approach to complex-network generation
E Agliari, A Barra
Europhysics Letters 94 (1), 10002 (2011)
27) Trapping of continuous-time quantum walks on Erdös–Rényi graphs
E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (11), 1853-1860 (2011)
26) Notes on ferromagnetic diluted p-spin model
E Agliari, A Barra, F Camboni,
Reports on Mathematical Physics 68, 1 (2011)
25) Equilibrium statistical mechanics on correlated random graphs
A Barra, E Agliari
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P02027 (2011)
24) Microscopic energy flows in disordered Ising spin systems
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P10021 (2010)
23) Stochastic dynamics for idiotypic immune networks
A Barra, E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (24), 5903-5911 (2010)
22) Metric characterization of cluster dynamics on the Sierpinski gasket
E Agliari, M Casartelli, E Vivo
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P09002 (2010)
21) A two-populations Ising model on Erdos-Renyi Random Graphs
E Agliari, R Burioni, P Sgrignoli
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07021 (2010)
20) Effective target arrangement in a deterministic scale-free graph
E Agliari, R Burioni, A Manzotti
Physical Review E 82 (1), 011118 (2010)
19) A statistical mechanics approach to autopoietic immune networks
A Barra, E Agliari
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07004 (2010)
18) Quantum-walk approach to searching on fractal structures
E Agliari, A Blumen, O Muelken
Physical Review A 82 (1), 012305 2010
Selected for Vir. J. Quantum Inf. 10(7) Algorithms and Computation and for Kaleidoscope July 2010
17) A Diffusive Strategic Dynamics for Social Systems
E Agliari, R Burioni, P Contucci
Journal of Statistical Physics 139 (3), 478-491 (2010)
16) Continuous-time quantum walks and trapping
E Agliari, O Mülken, A Blumen
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20 (02), 271-279 (2010)
15) Word-of-mouth and dynamical inhomogeneous markets: an efficiency measure and optimal sampling policies for the pre-launch stage
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 21, 67 (2010)
14) Random walks on deterministic scale-free networks: Exact results
E Agliari, R Burioni
Physical Review E 80 (3), 031125 (2009)
13) Energy transport in an Ising disordered model
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07041 (2009)
12) Criticality in diluted ferromagnets
E Agliari, A Barra, F Camboni
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P10003 (2008)
11) Dynamics of continuous-time quantum walks in restricted geometries
E Agliari, A Blumen, O Mülken
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (44), 445301 (2008)
10) Interacting random walkers and non-equilibrium fluctuations
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 65, 257 (2008)
9) Exact mean first-passage time on the T-graph
E Agliari
Physical Review E 77 (1), 011128 (2008)
8) Random walk on a population of random walkers
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (1), 015001 (2008)
7) Configurations and observables in an Ising model with heat flow
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 60, 499 (2007)
6) Autocatalytic reaction on low-dimensional substrates
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 118 (5-6), 855-862 2007
5) Universal features of information spreading efficiency on d-dimensional lattices
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Physical Review E 75 (2), 021119 2007
Selected by Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res. 13(5) Information Transfer in Biological Systems
4) Efficiency of information spreading in a population of diffusing agents
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 73, 046138 (2006)
Selected by Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res. 11(9) Information Transfer in Biological Systems
3) Fractal geometry of Ising magnetic patterns: signatures of criticality and diffusive dynamics
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 49, 119 (2006)
2) Random walks interacting with evolving energy landscapes
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 48, 529 (2005)
1) Diffusive thermal dynamics for the spin-S Ising ferromagnet
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 46, 109 (2005)
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, M Centonze, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
113) Guerra interpolation for place cells
M Centonze, A Treves, E Agliari, A Barra
112) The thermodynamic limit in mean field neural networks
E Agliari, A Barra, P Bianco, A Fachechi, D Pallara
111) Fundamental operating regimes, hyper-parameter fine-tuning and glassiness: towards an interpretable replica-theory for trained restricted Boltzmann machines
A Fachechi, E Agliari, M Aquaro, ACC Coolen, M Mulder
J Phys. A under review (2024)
110) Inverse modelling of time-delayed interactions via the Dynamic Entropy formalism
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, M Castellana, D Lotito, M Piel
Phys. Rev. E 110, 024301 (2024)
109) Regularization, early-stopping and dreaming: a Hopfield-like setup to address generalization and overfitting
E Agliari, F Alemanno, M Aquaro, A Fachechi
Neur. Netws. 177, 106389 (2024)
108) A spectral approach to Hebbian-like neural networks
E Agliari, A Fachechi, D Luongo
Appl. Mat. Comp., 4747, 128689 (2024)
107) Hebbian dreaming for small datasets
F Alemanno, M Aquaro, A Barra, I Kanter, F Durante, E Agliari
Neur. Netws. 173, 106174 (2024)
106) Parallel Learning by Multitasking Neural Networks
E Agliari, A Alessandrelli, A Barra, F Ricci-Tersenghi
J. Stat. Mech. 113401 (2023)
105) Ultrametric identities in glassy models of natural evolution
E Agliari, F Alemanno, M Aquaro A Barra
J. Phys. A 56, 385001 (2023)
104) Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of unsupervised learning
E Agliari, et al.
Physica A 627, 129143 (2023)
103) Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of supervised learning
E Agliari, et al.
Physica A 626, 129076 (2023)
102) From Pavlov Conditioning to Hebb Learning
E Agliari, M Aquaro, A Barra, A Fachechi, C Marullo
Neurocomp. 35(5):930-957 (2023)
101) Supervised Hebbian learning
F Alemanno, M Aquaro, I Kanter, A Barra, E Agliari
Europhys. Lett. - Perspective 141, 11001 (2023)
100) Non-linear PDEs approach to statistical mechanics of dense associative memories
E Agliari, A Fachechi, C Marullo
J. Math. Phys. 63, 103304 (2022)
99) Outperforming RBM feature-extraction capabilities by "dreaming" mechanisms
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
IEEE Trans. Neur. Netw. (2022)
98) The emergence of a concept in shallow neural networks
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, G De Marzo
Neural Networks 148, 232 (2022)
97) Storing, learning and retrieving biased patterns
E Agliari, FE Leonelli, C Marullo
Appl. Math. and Comp. 415, 126716 (2022)
96) A transport equation approach for deep neural networks with quenched random weights
E Agliari, L Albanese, F Alemanno, A Fachechi
J. Phys. A 54, 505004 (2021)
95) Learning and retrieval operational modes for three-layer restricted Boltzmann machines
E Agliari, G Sebastiani
J. Stat. Phys. 185, 10 (2021)
94) On the effective initialisation for restricted Boltzmann machines via duality with Hopfield model
FE Leonelli, E Agliari, L Albanese, A Barra
Neural Networks 143, 314 (2021)
93) Boltzmann machines as generalized Hopfield networks: a review on recent results and outlooks
C Marullo, E Agliari
Entropy 23(1), 34 (2021)
92) The relativistic Hopfield model with correlated patterns
E Agliari, A Fachechi, C Marullo
Journal of Mathematical Physics 61, 123301 (2020)
91) Machine learning and statistical physics: preface
E Agliari, A Barra, P Sollich, L Zdeborová
Journal of Physics A 53, 500401 (2020)
90) Tolerance versus synaptic noise in dense associative memories
E Agliari, G De Marzo
European Physical Journal Plus 135, 883 (2020)
89) Replica symmetry breaking in neural networks: a few steps toward rigorous results
E Agliari, L Albanese, A Barra, G Ottaviani
Journal of Physics A 53, 415005 (2020)
88) Analysis of temporal correlation in heart rate variability through maximum entropy principle in a minimal pairwise glassy model
E Agliari, A Barra, OA Barra, A Fachechi, L Moretti, L Franceschi-Vento
Scientific Reports 10, 15353 (2020)
87) Detecting cardiac pathologies via machine learning on heart-rate variability time series and related markers
E Agliari, A Barra, OA Barra, A Fachechi, L Moretti, L Franceschi-Vento
Scientific Reports 10, 8845 (2020)
86) Generalized Guerra's interpolation schemes for dense associative neural networks
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Neural Networks 128, 254-267 (2020)
85) A statistical inference approach to reconstruct intercellular interactions in cell migration experiments
E Agliari, PJ Saez, A Barra, M Piel, P Vargas, M Castellana
Science Advances 6, eaay2103 (2020)
84) Neural Networks with a Redundant Representation: Detecting the Undetectable
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, M Centonze, A Fachechi
Physical Review Letters 124, 028301 (2020)
83) First encounters on combs
J Peng, E Agliari
Physical Review E 100, 062310 (2019)
82) Dreaming neural networks: rigorous results
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 083503 (2019)
81) On the Marchenko-Pastur law in analog bipartite spin-glasses
E Agliari, F Alemanno, A Barra, A Fachechi
Journal of Physics A 52, 254002 (2019)
(special issue "Disordered serendipity: a glassy path to discovery" in the occasion of Giorgio Parisi's 70th birthday)
80) The relativistic Hopfield model: rigorous results
E Agliari, A Barra, M Notarnicola
Journal of Mathematical Physics 60, 033302 (2019)
79) Free energies of Boltzmann Machines: self-averaging properties, annealed and replica symmetric approximations in the thermodynamic limit
E Agliari, A Barra, B Tirozzi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 033301 (2019)
78) Exact results for the first-passage properties in a class of fractal networks
J Peng, E Agliari
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 023105 (2019)
77) Dreaming neural networks: forgetting spurious memories and reinforcing pure ones
A Fachechi, E Agliari, A Barra
Neural Networks 112, 24 (2019)
76) Non-convex multi-species Hopfield models
E Agliari, D Migliozzi, D Tantari
Journal of Statistical Physics 172, 1247 (2018)
75) Social interaction effects on immigrant integration
E Agliari, A Barra, P Contucci, A Pizzoferrato, C Vernia
Palgrave Communications 4, 55 (2018)
74) Complex Reaction Kinetics in Chemistry: A Unified Picture Suggested by Mechanics in Physics
E Agliari, A Barra, G Landolfi, S Murciano, S Perrone
Complexity 2018, 7423297 (2018)
73) Phase transition for the Maki-Thompson rumor model on a small-world network
E Agliari, A Pochan, P Rodrigues, F Tavani
Journal of Statistical Physics 169, 846 (2017)
72) Modelling ozone uptake by urban and peri-urban forest: a case study in the Metropolitan City of Rome
L Fusaro, S Mereu, E Salvatori, E Agliari, S Fares, F Manes
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2017)
71) Organs on chip approach: a tool to evaluate cancer-immune cells interactions
E Biselli, E Agliari, A Barra, FR Bertani, A Gerardino et al.
Scientific Reports 7, 12737 (2017)
70) Scaling laws for diffusion on (trans)fractal scale-free networks
J Peng, E Agliari
Chaos 27, 083108 (2017)
69) Neural networks retrieving Boolean patterns in a sea of Gaussian ones
E Agliari, A Barra, C Longo, D Tantari
Journal of Statistical Physics 168, 1085 (2017)
68) Retrieving infinite numbers of patterns in a spin-glass model of immune networks
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Europhysics Letters 117, 28003 (2017)
Selected for Editor's Choice
67) The exact Laplacian spectrum for the Dyson hierarchical network
E Agliari, F Tavani
Scientific Reports 7, 39962 (2017)
66) Complete integrability of information processing by biochemical reactions
E Agliari, A Barra, L Dello Schiavo, A Moro
Scientific Reports 6, 36314 (2016)
65) Assessing the role of migration as trade-facilitator using the statistical mechanics of cooperative systems
A Barra, A Galluzzi, D Tantari, E Agliari, F Requena-Silvente
Palgrave Communications 2, 16021 (2016)
64) Two-particle problem in comb-like structure
E Agliari, L Cattivelli, D Cassi, F Sartori
Physical Review E 93, 052111 (2016)
63) First-passage phenomena in hierarchical networks
F Tavani, E Agliari
Physical Review E 93, 022133 (2016)
62) Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and Comparison with Nearby Countries
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, M Javarone, A Pizzoferrato, D Tantari
PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144643 (2015)
61) Lévy flights with power-law absorption
L Cattivelli, E Agliari, F Sartori, D Cassi
Physical Review E 92, 042156 (2015)
60) Exact calculations of first-passage properties on the pseudofractal scale-free web
J Peng, E Agliari, Z Zhang
Chaos 25, 073118 (2015)
59) Topological properties of hierarchical networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Physical Review E 91, 062807 (2015)
58) Optimization strategies with resource scarcity: From immunization of networks to the traveling salesman problem
M Bellingeri, E Agliari, D Cassi
Modern Physics Letters B 29, 1550180 (2015)
57) Hitting and Trapping Times on Branched Structures
E Agliari, F Sartori, L Cattivelli, D Cassi
Physical Review E 91, 052132 (2015)
56) Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: the role of allosteric cooperativity
E Agliari, M Altavilla, A Barra, L Dello Schiavo, E Katz
Scientific Reports 5:9415 (2015)
55) Hierarchical neural networks perform both serial and parallel processing
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Neural Networks 66, 22–35 (2015)
54) Retrieval capabilities of hierarchical networks: From Dyson to Hopfield
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Physical Review Letters 114, 028103 (2015)
53) Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, D Tantari, F Tavani
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (1), 015001 (2015)
Selected for cover image for the printed issue of J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (volume 48 issue 1)
Selected by IOPSELECT
52) Anergy in self-directed B lymphocytes: a statistical mechanics perspective
E Agliari, A Barra, G Del Ferraro, F Guerra, D Tantari
Journal of Theoretical Biology 375, 21 (2015)
51) Cancer-driven dynamics of immune cells in a microfluidic environment
E Agliari, E Biselli, A De Ninno, G Schiavoni, L Gabriele, A Gerardino, F Mattei, A Barra, L Businaro
Scientific Reports 4, 6639 (2014)
50) A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case
E Agliari, A Barra, P Contucci, R Sandell, C Vernia
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 103034 (2014)
49) Slow encounters of particle pairs in branched structures
E Agliari, A Blumen, D Cassi
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052147 (2014)
48) Instability and network effects in innovative markets
P Sgrignoli, E Agliari, R Burioni, A Schianchi
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 108, 260-271 (2014)
47) Multitasking attractor networks with neuronal threshold noise
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, M Isopi
Neural Networks 49, 19-29 (2014)
46) Immune networks: multitasking capabilities near saturation
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (41), 415003 (2013)
Selected by IOPSELECT
45) Collective behaviours: from biochemical kinetics to electronic circuits
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, A Di Biasio, G Uguzzoni
Scientific Reports 3, 3458 (2013)
44) Immune networks: multi-tasking capabilities at medium load
E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (33), 335101 (2013)
43) Parallel processing in immune networks
E Agliari, A Barra, S Bartolucci, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, F Moauro
Physical Review E 87 (4), 042701 (2013)
selected for Kaleidoscope April 2013
42) Parallel retrieval of correlated patterns: From Hopfield networks to Boltzmann machines
E Agliari, A Barra, A De Antoni, A Galluzzi
Neural Networks 38, 52-63 (2013)
41) Application of a stochastic modeling to assess the evolution of tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection in patients treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, R Scrivo, G Valesini, RS Wallis
PloS ONE 8 (1), e55017 (2013)
40) Multitasking associative networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, F Guerra, F Moauro
Physical Review Letters 109 (26), 268101 (2012)
39) Analogue neural networks on correlated random graphs
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, R Burioni, G Uguzzoni
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (36), 365001 (2012)
38) Can persistent Epstein–Barr virus infection induce chronic fatigue syndrome as a Pavlov reflex of the immune response?
E Agliari, A Barra, KG Vidal, F Guerra
Journal of Biological Dynamics 6 (2), 740-762 (2012)
37) The true reinforced random walk with bias
E Agliari, R Burioni, G Uguzzoni
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 063027 (2012)
36) Notes on the p-spin glass studied via Hamilton-Jacobi and smooth-cavity techniques
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, A Di Biasio
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (6), 063304 (2012)
35) Organization and evolution of synthetic idiotypic networks
E Agliari, L Asti, A Barra, L Ferrucci
Physical Review E 85 (5), 051909 (2012)
34) Exact calculations of first-passage quantities on recursive networks
B Meyer, E Agliari, O Bénichou, R Voituriez
Physical Review E 85 (2), 026113 (2012)
33) Mean-field cooperativity in chemical kinetics
A Di Biasio, E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 131 (3), 1-14 (2012)
32) A statistical mechanics approach to Granovetter theory
A Barra, E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 391 (10), 3017-3026 (2012)
31) Slow relaxation in microcanonical warming of a Ising lattice
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 84, 317 (2011)
30) A thermodynamic perspective of immune capabilities
E Agliari, A Barra, F Guerra, F Moauro
Journal of theoretical biology 287, 48-63 (2011)
29) Percolation on correlated random networks,
E Agliari, C Cioli, E Guadagnini
Physical Review E 84, 031120 (2011)
28) A Hebbian approach to complex-network generation
E Agliari, A Barra
Europhysics Letters 94 (1), 10002 (2011)
27) Trapping of continuous-time quantum walks on Erdös–Rényi graphs
E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (11), 1853-1860 (2011)
26) Notes on ferromagnetic diluted p-spin model
E Agliari, A Barra, F Camboni,
Reports on Mathematical Physics 68, 1 (2011)
25) Equilibrium statistical mechanics on correlated random graphs
A Barra, E Agliari
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P02027 (2011)
24) Microscopic energy flows in disordered Ising spin systems
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P10021 (2010)
23) Stochastic dynamics for idiotypic immune networks
A Barra, E Agliari
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (24), 5903-5911 (2010)
22) Metric characterization of cluster dynamics on the Sierpinski gasket
E Agliari, M Casartelli, E Vivo
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P09002 (2010)
21) A two-populations Ising model on Erdos-Renyi Random Graphs
E Agliari, R Burioni, P Sgrignoli
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07021 (2010)
20) Effective target arrangement in a deterministic scale-free graph
E Agliari, R Burioni, A Manzotti
Physical Review E 82 (1), 011118 (2010)
19) A statistical mechanics approach to autopoietic immune networks
A Barra, E Agliari
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07004 (2010)
18) Quantum-walk approach to searching on fractal structures
E Agliari, A Blumen, O Muelken
Physical Review A 82 (1), 012305 2010
Selected for Vir. J. Quantum Inf. 10(7) Algorithms and Computation and for Kaleidoscope July 2010
17) A Diffusive Strategic Dynamics for Social Systems
E Agliari, R Burioni, P Contucci
Journal of Statistical Physics 139 (3), 478-491 (2010)
16) Continuous-time quantum walks and trapping
E Agliari, O Mülken, A Blumen
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20 (02), 271-279 (2010)
15) Word-of-mouth and dynamical inhomogeneous markets: an efficiency measure and optimal sampling policies for the pre-launch stage
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 21, 67 (2010)
14) Random walks on deterministic scale-free networks: Exact results
E Agliari, R Burioni
Physical Review E 80 (3), 031125 (2009)
13) Energy transport in an Ising disordered model
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P07041 (2009)
12) Criticality in diluted ferromagnets
E Agliari, A Barra, F Camboni
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P10003 (2008)
11) Dynamics of continuous-time quantum walks in restricted geometries
E Agliari, A Blumen, O Mülken
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (44), 445301 (2008)
10) Interacting random walkers and non-equilibrium fluctuations
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 65, 257 (2008)
9) Exact mean first-passage time on the T-graph
E Agliari
Physical Review E 77 (1), 011128 (2008)
8) Random walk on a population of random walkers
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (1), 015001 (2008)
7) Configurations and observables in an Ising model with heat flow
E Agliari, M Casartelli, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 60, 499 (2007)
6) Autocatalytic reaction on low-dimensional substrates
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 118 (5-6), 855-862 2007
5) Universal features of information spreading efficiency on d-dimensional lattices
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Physical Review E 75 (2), 021119 2007
Selected by Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res. 13(5) Information Transfer in Biological Systems
4) Efficiency of information spreading in a population of diffusing agents
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 73, 046138 (2006)
Selected by Vir. J. Bio. Phys. Res. 11(9) Information Transfer in Biological Systems
3) Fractal geometry of Ising magnetic patterns: signatures of criticality and diffusive dynamics
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 49, 119 (2006)
2) Random walks interacting with evolving energy landscapes
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 48, 529 (2005)
1) Diffusive thermal dynamics for the spin-S Ising ferromagnet
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, A Vezzani
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 46, 109 (2005)
4) A random walk in diffusion phenomena and statistical mechanics
E Agliari
Advances in Disordered Systems, Random Processes and Some Applications
[P. Contucci, C. Giardinà Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2016)]
3) First-Passage Phenomena on Finite Inhomogeneous Networks
E Agliari, D Cassi
First-Passage Phenomena and Their Applications
[R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, and S. Redner Eds., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2014)]
2) Diffusion with Reaction and Interaction: From condensed matter to social systems
E Agliari
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. 2011
1) New perspectives in the equilibrium statistical mechanics approach to social and economic sciences
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, P Contucci
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life-Sciences
[G. Naldi, L. Pareschi, G. Toscani Eds., Birkhäuser Mathematics, Springer (2010)]
E Agliari
Advances in Disordered Systems, Random Processes and Some Applications
[P. Contucci, C. Giardinà Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2016)]
3) First-Passage Phenomena on Finite Inhomogeneous Networks
E Agliari, D Cassi
First-Passage Phenomena and Their Applications
[R. Metzler, G. Oshanin, and S. Redner Eds., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2014)]
2) Diffusion with Reaction and Interaction: From condensed matter to social systems
E Agliari
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. 2011
1) New perspectives in the equilibrium statistical mechanics approach to social and economic sciences
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, P Contucci
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life-Sciences
[G. Naldi, L. Pareschi, G. Toscani Eds., Birkhäuser Mathematics, Springer (2010)]
8) Motifs stability in hierarchical modular networks
E Agliari, A Barra, F Tavani, B Tirozzi
Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics
[E. Agliari, A. Barra, N. Carlevaro, G.Montani Eds., World Scientific Publishing (2015)
7) A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, D Tantari, F Tavani
NCTA2014: Neural computation theory & application
[SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda) (2014)]
6) Excitations Transfer and Random Walks on Dynamic Contacts Networks
R Burioni, E Agliari, D Cassi
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems: From Nano to Macro Scale, 199-213 (2014)
[D. Matrasulov and H.E. Stanley Eds., Springer Series (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security) (2014)]
5) Ferromagnetic models for cooperative behavior: Revisiting Universality in complex phenomena
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, A Pizzoferrato, D Tantari
Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Earth, 73-86 (2014)
[A. Celletti, U. Locatelli, T. Ruggeri and E. Strickland Eds., Springer INdAM Series (2013)]
4) Some Thoughts on the Ontogenesis in B-Cell Immune Networks
E Agliari, A Barra, S Franz, T Pentado-Sabetta
Managing Complexity, Reducing Perplexity, 71-79 (2014)
[G. Ajmone Marsan and M. Delitala Eds., Springer Heidelberg (2014)]
3) Effective interactions in group competition with strategic diffusive dynamics
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, F Camboni, P Contucci
Intellectual Archive Bulletin, 09/12 (2012)
2) Acquaintance role for decision making and exchanges in social networks,
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, P Contucci
J. Dyses 2(1), 34 (2009)
1) Autocatalytic reaction-diffusion processes in restricted geometries
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Diffusion Fundamentals, 7, 1.1 (2007)
E Agliari, A Barra, F Tavani, B Tirozzi
Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics
[E. Agliari, A. Barra, N. Carlevaro, G.Montani Eds., World Scientific Publishing (2015)
7) A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, D Tantari, F Tavani
NCTA2014: Neural computation theory & application
[SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda) (2014)]
6) Excitations Transfer and Random Walks on Dynamic Contacts Networks
R Burioni, E Agliari, D Cassi
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems: From Nano to Macro Scale, 199-213 (2014)
[D. Matrasulov and H.E. Stanley Eds., Springer Series (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security) (2014)]
5) Ferromagnetic models for cooperative behavior: Revisiting Universality in complex phenomena
E Agliari, A Barra, A Galluzzi, A Pizzoferrato, D Tantari
Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Earth, 73-86 (2014)
[A. Celletti, U. Locatelli, T. Ruggeri and E. Strickland Eds., Springer INdAM Series (2013)]
4) Some Thoughts on the Ontogenesis in B-Cell Immune Networks
E Agliari, A Barra, S Franz, T Pentado-Sabetta
Managing Complexity, Reducing Perplexity, 71-79 (2014)
[G. Ajmone Marsan and M. Delitala Eds., Springer Heidelberg (2014)]
3) Effective interactions in group competition with strategic diffusive dynamics
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, F Camboni, P Contucci
Intellectual Archive Bulletin, 09/12 (2012)
2) Acquaintance role for decision making and exchanges in social networks,
E Agliari, A Barra, R Burioni, P Contucci
J. Dyses 2(1), 34 (2009)
1) Autocatalytic reaction-diffusion processes in restricted geometries
E Agliari, R Burioni, D Cassi, FM Neri
Diffusion Fundamentals, 7, 1.1 (2007)
Popular-scientific articles
4) E. Agliari, A. Barra, “L'elaborazione d'informazione nelle reti neurali", Ithaca XVI, 25-39 (2020)
3) E. Agliari, A. Barra, “La meccanica statistica dei sistemi complessi", Ithaca XVI, 209-222 (2020)
2) E. Agliari, A. Barra, “Elementi di processazione di informazione nei sistemi biologici ed artificiali”, Scienza&Ricerca 50, 28-36 (2017)
1) A. Barra, E. Agliari, “Le reti del sistema immunitario da una prospettiva di meccanica statistica”, Scienza&Ricerca 34, 59-66 (2016)
3) E. Agliari, A. Barra, “La meccanica statistica dei sistemi complessi", Ithaca XVI, 209-222 (2020)
2) E. Agliari, A. Barra, “Elementi di processazione di informazione nei sistemi biologici ed artificiali”, Scienza&Ricerca 50, 28-36 (2017)
1) A. Barra, E. Agliari, “Le reti del sistema immunitario da una prospettiva di meccanica statistica”, Scienza&Ricerca 34, 59-66 (2016)
Work in Progress
- E. Agliari, A. Barra, The biological Ghirlanda-Guerra identities
- E Agliari, A Annibale, A Barra, ACC Coolen, D Tantari, A review on theoretical methods for adaptive immunity
- E. Agliari, A Barra, F. Requena-Silvente, Insights in World Trade Web from a graph theory perspective
- E. Agliari, A Barra, L. Dello Schiavo, A. Moro, Insights in entropy production of biochemical reactions
- E. Agliari, et al, Reaction-kinetics on hierarchical graphs
- F. Sartori, E. Agliari, J. Peng, D. Cassi, Reaction-kinetics on combs