My main field of reasearch is Statistical Mechanics
In particular, I am interested in Neural networks, Machine Learning, Biological Cybernetics, and Mathematical Models and Methods for Complex Systems |
Latest News
- Course for Master students on "Mathematical models for neural networks" is starting on September '24
- Course for Bachelor students on "Metodi Matematici per la Biologia" is starting on March '25
- Course for Bachelor students on "Matematica per Machine Learning" is starting on March '25
- July 2022: Joining the Editorial Board of Physica A as Main Editor for the section Statistical mechanics applied to neural networks, deep learning, and genetic algorithms
- October 2024: I° Convegno delle Facoltà Sapienza: Intelligenza Artificial e Libero Arbitrio, Aula Magna del Rettorato, Roma
- November 2024: Invited speaker at the workshop Mathematical aspects in non equilibrium systems: from micro to macro, Center for Scientific Culture Ettore Majorana, Erice
- December 2024: Invited speaker at the workshop Intelligenza Artificiale e Demenze: nuova opportunità o una sfida impari?, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Tor Vergata, Roma
- June 2025: Lecturer at the Hausdorff School for Advanced Studies in Mathematics
- September 2025: Invited speaker at the 38th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics
- Progetti per tirocini e tesi in azienda